Educational Filtration Maintenance

Oasis Tilt ‘N Tether

OASIS Tilt ‘N Tether

Tired of laying on the floor to change a filter? 

Tired of something that should take minutes taking twenty?

What’s Your Time Worth?

Do the math: An estimated 15 minutes saved per every filter change x labor = $ SAVINGS!


Easy access to filter with just two screws to open
bottle filler.


One screwdriver needed – keeping it simple
on your toolbox.


Filter replacement and/or maintenance can
be performed in under two minutes.

Only OASIS can deliver

• Painless maintenance with large opening in the bottle
filler, prevention of cuts/bruises on hands

• Fast access to bottle filler programming, main controls,
and hands-free troubleshooting

• Easy on the customer with functional features like the
integrated bottle counter and filter status

• Easy on the plumber with OASIS Tilt ‘N Tether for handsfree
filter changes without frustration