
Understanding the Surge in Demand for High-Quality Water Solutions

Explore the rising demand for bottle filling stations in response to increased awareness of water quality, influenced by urbanization, infrastructure aging, and technology. Understand growth in sectors like K-12 education and aviation, and learn how global events shape consumer behavior and industry responses, with a focus on delivering safe, clean drinking water solutions.

In recent years, the spotlight on water quality has grown intensely, influencing consumer demand and regulatory standards profoundly. But what impact does this heightened focus have on the demand for bottle-filling stations? Stephanie Guttas, product manager at OASIS International, gave her insight into current trends and what is driving demand today and in the future. 

“The wave of urbanization, aging infrastructure, and evolving technology can all contribute to the presence of contaminants in water supplies. Bottle fillers with UV and other filtration systems provide convenient, accessible solutions for improving drinking water.” Guttas adds that growth in new construction and stricter government regulations often can lead to increased water testing, and awareness is raised when contaminants are detected. 


Consumers are on notice and are seeking solutions that deliver safer water.

Stephanie Guttas, OASIS International

When examining which sectors are witnessing the most growth in the use of bottle filling stations, two areas stand out: the K-12 education sector and the aviation industry.

“In the K-12 education segment, there’s noticeable growth driven by government funding and private-public partnerships, supplementing state and municipal budgets,” Guttas explains the shift in the education sector.

Meanwhile, the aviation industry is also experiencing a substantial demand. “Predicted strong demand for air travel indicates more airport construction, expanding and modernizing facilities. Federal programs and private funding are expected to boost this sector,” she says shows the evolving needs in air travel infrastructure.

Recent global events have undeniably accelerated changes in consumer behaviors, impacting industries across the board, including water filtration and hydration solutions.

“Global events have shifted consumer behaviors, necessitating our focus on listening to customers and continuously improving our offerings,” emphasizes the need for companies like Oasis to stay attuned to these changes.

As consumers increasingly seek solutions that deliver safe, clean drinking water, the focus is not only on meeting current demands but also on anticipating future needs. By staying ahead of trends, leveraging new technologies, and understanding the evolving requirements of different sectors, companies can not only contribute to public health and safety but also lead the way in sustainable, innovative water solutions.



OASIS has the clean answer to provide water for public areas while limiting the spread of germs with innovative products. With a full suite of products, OASIS has the solutions to help keep your clients, visitors, employees, and tenants hydrated and healthy. Contact us today to learn your hydration solutions.